CapsNetwork Kick-Off

6th and 8th of October 2021, we conducted the CapsNetwork Kick-Off for all project members. This was a virtual event on Zoom.

The first day was sort of an introduction day, where all project members got to know more about each other, the departments and universities they work at. Joint research interest was discovered.

Due to the fact that the project partners are widely spread geographically and over time zones, the Kick-off was split in two shorter sessions over two different days. About 27 people was present for parts of the programme.

The second day focused on the research conducted at the different project partners that are relevant to the project. Below you can see the titles of the different presentations:

Moving towards less supervision for Wireless Capsule EndoscopyAnuja Vats, PhD student at NTNU
Geospatial Artificial Intelligence Research at the University of GeorgiaSuchi Bhandarkar,
University of Georgia, USA
Generative Modelling and Segmentation in Capsule EndoscopyHenry Krumb, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Vertebrae Fracture Detection based on Deep Learning ZongYang Wang, PhD student at NJUPT / Hu Zhu at NJUPT, China
Bio-medical image enhancement through image fusion and unsupervised image super-resolution approach for visible imagesKishor Uppla, Sardar Vallabhbhai National lnstitute of Technology, India
Restoration Techniques for Deteriorated Wireless Capsule Endoscopic Image Sequences.Sudhish N George/Jithin Joseph, National Institute Technology Calicut, India

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