CapsNetwork Training School 1

The first training school of CapsNetwork was hosted by NTNU virtually in the beginning of December. Every day for a whole week, PhD students, master students and staff logged in to follow the seven experts that were all invited in to give a lecture related to imaging for capsule endoscopy.

Below you can see the content of the training school

SpeakerTitle of lecture
Dimitris Iakovidis Image Analysis in the Sphere of Capsule Endoscopy: Insights and Challenges 
Helder Araujo Omnidirectional vision and applications to robotic navigation
Pål Anders Floor Evaluating the Possibility for 3D Reconstruction of GI-tract using Virtual Capsule Simulator (VR-CAPS)
David Völgyes What could go wrong? – Murphy’s law in the age of deep learning
Simone Bianco Deep learning for color: fundamentals and applications
Marco Buzzelli Deep learning for color: image-to-image color enhancement
Azeddine BeghdadiComputational Visual Perception for Image and Video Quality Enhancement and Assessment in the Era of Deep Learning 

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