CapsNetwork school in Darmstadt, Germany
The first CapsNetwork school hosted in-person by Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany was conducted 23. – 24. November 2023. The topic of the school was ‘Deep Learning for Medical Image Segmentation’ and the programme follows.
Deep Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
Location: Vorlesungssaal Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek TU Darmstadt:
Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
Vortragssaal (S1|20, R. 01)
Magdalenenstr. 8
64289 Darmstadt
Day 1: Thursday, 23.11.2023
9:00 – Welcome
Session 1: AI for Endoscopy
9:15 – Oral session 1: AI for Endoscopy – Prof. Dr. Alexander Hann, UK Würzburg
10:00 – Coffee break
Session 2: Tutorial
10:15 – Tutorial: Medical Image Quality Assessment and Enhancement : Challenges, Progress and Future Trends – Prof. Azeddine Boutkhil Beghdadi, Université Paris Sorbonne Nord / Adj. Prof. NTNU Gjøvik
12:30 – Lunch break at University Cafeteria TU Darmstadt
Session 3: PhD Student Talks
13:30 – Oral session 4: Beyond E2E Continual Segmentation – Amin Ranem, TU Darmstadt
14:30 – Oral session 5: Out-of-distribution Detection for Digital Pathology – Moritz Fuchs, TU Darmstadt
15:30 – Coffee break
Session 4: Technical Talk
16:00 – Oral session 6: Continual Learning in an Open World – Martin Mundt, TU Darmstadt
17:00 – Wrap up
Day 2: Friday, 24.11.2023
Session 1: Clinical Talks
9:00 – Oral session 7: Deep Learning in Digital Neuro-Pathology – Leonille Schweizer, Universitätsklinik Frankfurt, Germany
10:00 – Coffee break
10:30 – Oral session 8: “Deep Learning in Radiology” – Daniel Pinto Dos Santos, UK Köln
11:30 – Oral session 9: Marcus Rohrbach, TU Darmstadt
12:30 – Lunch break
13:30 – Poster session
15:00 – Coffee break
15:30 – CapsNetwork Strategy Meeting and Discussion
17:00 – Wrap up